Man arrested for thefts from Hartefeld gold course
11/06/2013 03:23PM ● By AclNew Garden Township police have announced the arrest of Ryan Ellis, 25, of Wilmington, Del., for a string of thefts that have occurred at Hartefeld National golf course in Avondale.
On Nov. 4 at noon, police arrested Ellis after four months of thefts from Hartefeld and other locations. He became a suspect when New Castle County Police saw Ellis' information appearing on their internal records of items being pawned. They contacted the New Garden Township Police investigator. The items appearing on the pawn list could only have been acquired from a golf club, and it was later discovered that Ellis worked for Hartefeld National. With the cooperation of Hartefeld staff, police identified the pawned items as belonging to the golf club.
Ellis was taken into custody and admitted to police that he had stolen from his employer, along with committing numerous other thefts in Delaware. He was arraigned before Judge Seavey at Magisterial Court and released on $15,000 unsecured bail.