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Chester County Press

School board candidate offers to meet with residents

10/16/2013 02:03PM ● By Acl

Letter to the Editor:

I am very disappointed that the League of Women Voters' traditional Meet the Candidates night for the Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board election will not be taking place this year. The League offered to host a forum for the discussion of issues in the contested race in Region C, however my opponent has declined to participate.

I believe that addressing the issues should be a vital component of any campaign for the School Board. An open and public forum where our residents can ask questions is crucial in helping voters to select a well-qualified candidate. It is a cornerstone of our democratic process to have such forums that are available to everyone and provide for a well-informed electorate.

It is unfortunate that this opportunity will not be offered to our residents to address some of the issues facing our district, including:

• the budget and the question of exceptions to the Act 1 Index;

• unfunded mandates from the state and federal governments;

• future renovations of some of our school buildings;

• the evaluation and adequate compensation of our educators; and

• how we can keep pace with the ever-changing educational landscape and the increasing demands on our students.

Therefore, in lieu of a public discussion, I invite you to visit my website at to learn more about some of these important issues, and to submit your questions. I also invite voters from Pennsbury and Chadds Ford to meet me on Oct. 22 at the Mushroom Cafe at 9 a.m. and the Starbucks in Glen Mills at 7 p.m. to discuss some of these important issues.

I believe that serving on the board is a privilege and a responsibility. Answering difficult questions is—and should be—part of that responsibility. I look forward to addressing your issues as school board director.


Leticia Flores DeWilde

School Board Director

Unionville -Chadds Ford School District