Oxford Wall of Fame announces inductees
10/04/2013 07:59AM ● By AclAlma Doyle Barton, class of 1974 and the late Kathryn Jamison Aylesworth, class of 1935 are two of the six candidates selected to receive awards at the 13th Annual Oxford Area High School Sports Hall of Fame Banquet on Monday, October 14th.
Barton was a two year member of the field hockey team at Oxford, serving as captain during her senior year. She earned her letter two years on the tennis team, also was a member of the ski team for two years.
Following graduation she traveled to Hawaii to begin her college career in the fall of 1974. While there she discovered soccer. Girls' soccer was not offered at Oxford during her high school days. The following year she returned to the mainland to attend Widener University, from where she graduated in 1978. Since Widener didn't have a ladies' soccer team, she participated on the men's JV team. The following year she was very instrumental in the formation of a ladies' team at the university for which she was a prominent member her final two years.
With a degree in nursing, Alma Doyle Barton returned to Hawaii and is now a nursing supervisor at Straub Hospital, Honolulu. She continued playing soccer. She helped manage and captain several women's teams and was selected on the All Hawaii Women's Soccer Team. Her team won the USA Veteran's Cup from 2006 through 2009. At age 57 she continues to play competitive soccer and expects to return to Oxford to receive her award.
Kathryn Jamison Aylesworth was an all-around student athlete while attending Oxford. In addition to being a member of many class activities, she was a three year member of the field hockey team and a two year member of the basketball team.
Following high school, she attended West Chester State Teachers' College, where she continued her hockey and basketball careers.
Kathryn graduated from West Chester in 1939. During World War II, she enlisted in the US Army, was commissioned a Lieutenant, and served as a physiotherapist at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington.
The banquet will begin at 6:30pm in the high school cafeteria with a dessert serving and a chance to meet the award winners. At 7:30pm the awards will be presented in the auditorium. Admission is free and the public is invited and encouraged to attend. Next week's Chester County PRESS will feature resumes of each of the honored athletes.