Road cyclists, joggers beware
09/18/2013 04:34PM ● By AclBy Uncle Irvin
Like many married couples, Uncle Irvin and his wife disagree often.
However, there is one strong feeling we share. Cyclists and joggers should not be permitted to use thin, two-lane roads with no shoulders.
We believe that cycling and jogging are extremely worthwhile endeavors, but these sports should not endanger both cyclists, joggers and drivers. Both of us shudder when confronted by cyclists and joggers, especially cycle packs of two or more.
Pennsylvania doesn't believe in bicycle lanes except in big cities -- unlike Delaware, which has many cycling lanes, but Pennsylvania passed a law for motorists to give space, which is a no-brainer and doesn't need a law.
Cyclists and joggers should go where there are either paved shoulders or bicycle lanes. Anyway, there are plenty of safe alternatives, even if cyclists have to take up mountain biking.
Uncle Irvin would much prefer to be the driver of a vehicle, rather than a cyclist or jogger, if by chance an accident would occur -- as many already have.