The Nottingham story: A tale of two clocks
08/21/2013 08:40AM ● By AclThe Oxford Area Historical Association (OAHA) will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the Oxford Presbyterian Church Social Hall on Pine Street in Oxford. The program topic is The Nottingham Story: A Tale of Two Clocks and much more, which will be presented by Mark Anderson and Wendy Cooper. Anderson has been the senior furniture conservator at Winterthur Museum since 1986, teaches in Winterthur University of Delaware program in art conservation, and has several publications on furniture. Wendy recently retired after eighteen years as curator of furniture at Winterthur Museum and now serves as curator emerita of furniture. She has an impressive list of accomplishments, including serving on the committee for the preservation of the White House.
All are welcome. There is no charge to attend. Church history books will be available if you have not purchased your copy. For more information call 1-717-548-2048.