Donations sought for Flash sound system
07/31/2013 10:06AM ● By AclThe Flash in Kennett Square is a favorite performance space for internationally known musicians and local acts because of the room's sound system and intimate scale.
Sound engineer Chip Powell said, “A striking attribute of the venue is the quality of the sound. The system is exceptionally clean and tuned to bring out the best in the room. I’ve often heard audience members remark they never heard a performance sound that good; where every word could be clearly understood and where the instrument balance was so rich and full.”
Award-winning songwriter and performer Craig Bickhart offered the performer’s perspective, saying, “Few other venues provide so many with the chance to see, up close and personal, some of the greatest musical performers of our day in such an acoustically pristine and aesthetically pleasing room.”
“Because sound quality is such a critical part of The Flash experience, we focus a lot of attention on getting it right,” added Flash director Lee Zagorski. “Whether it is a top-shelf performer or a community student recital, we know that the audience is having the best listening experience possible.”
With preparations for the Sept. 6 opening concert The Melton Brothers with special guests John Lilley and Bob Beach, there are some repairs needed to the sound system. The sound crew, headed by Biff McNeil and including Kenny Homer and Chip Powell, has determined that $1,200 in repairs are needed, specifically repairs to the sound mixer and stage speakers.
The Flash is asking for donations in any amount to help cover the cost. Checks can be mailed to The Flash, PO Box 375, Kennett Square, PA 19348 made out to Kennett Flash, Inc.; or contributors can make arrangements with Lee Zagorski (610-570-6141 or e-mail [email protected]).