Hall named KAU Player of the Week
07/10/2013 09:19AM ● By AclLogan Hall
Finishing the 2013 season with the same consistent play with which he began it, Logan Hall has been selected by his coaches as the final KAU Player of the Week for the spring.
In his American Legion/VFW squad's final playoff game, Hall went 3-3 with two singles, a double and scored two runs. Additionally he pitched two innings, striking out three batters and allowing one earned run. At shortstop, Hall ventured into shallow left field and snagged a fly ball that left two runners on base in the late innings.
Manager Tim Reiter said, "Logan has been our most consistent player during the season. He can bat anywhere in the lineup and play any position on the field. He also has an uncanny ability to make a big play when the team needs one."
Hall, who celebrated his 13th birthday this month, just completed seventh grade at Kennett Middle School. He has played KAU baseball for six years. He has been an All-Star team four times and plays on the Knights travel team as well. The son of Glenn and Tricia Hall of Landenberg, he enjoys snowboarding in the winter and skim-boarding in the summer.