KAU names players of the week
06/25/2013 07:57PM ● By AclKAU’s Players of the Week both have been selected by their coaches for their willingness to encourage their teammates. Kevin Wessels of the Intermediate Division and Nick Ford of the Minor A Division are the most recent honorees.
Wessels, who plays for the Exelon squad, had two multiple-hit games during the week. “All season long, he has a shown a wide range at shortstop and has been hard to hit as a pitcher,” said team manager Rich Hauptschein. “He has become one of our team leaders by not just what he does on the field but how he helps to encourage all the other players to stay alert and do their best.” Earlier in the season, Wessels showed his power by hitting two home runs in the same inning, including a grand slam.
Wessels, 12, is a seventh grader at Kennett Middle School. He has played KAU baseball for seven years, and has been named an all-star the past four years. He also plays football for the Kennett Middle School. He is the son of John and Bernadette Wessels of Kennett Township.
Second-year player Nick Ford plays for the Al’s Sporting Goods team. He hit his first home run -- driving in three runs -- -last Tuesday. Manager Michael Wolfe said Ford “brings a lot of energy to the team. He keeps our guys pumped up even when we are down."
The 11-year-old is in fifth grade at New Garden Elementary School. He began playing baseball after he moved to the area from New Jersey last year. He is the son of Lucille Ford/Tedesco and Michael Tedesco of New Garden Township.