Meet bestselling author Leavitt
06/19/2013 08:35PM ● By AclNew York Times best-selling author Caroline Leavitt is the guest in the next "An Evening With the Author" event organized by the Hockessin Book Shelf.
The event takes place at the Historic Lamborn Library on June 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $10, and food and drinks are provided. Attendees are also asked to buy one of the author's books at the Hockessin Book Shelf.
Leavitt is celebrating the release of her latest book, "Is This Tomorrow?", which is her tenth novel. In addition to writing her book review blog "Caroline Leavittville," Leavitt has contributed essays, short stories, book reviews and articles to numerous magazines, news publications and anthologies. She lives in Hoboken, N.J., with her husband, the writer Jeff Tamarkin, and their teenage son.
Hockessin Book Shelf owner Rebecca Dowling started the "An Evening With The Author" series in 2011, and since then, such authors as Lisa Unger, Sandra Beasley, Elissa Schappell, Marisa de los Santos, Rachel Simon, Matthew Zencey, Julianna Baggott and Mark Bowden have been featured. The goal is to create a space for authors and readers to meet and spend time with each other. The events are set up as casual cocktail parties, rather than traditional book-signings. For more information, call 302-235-7665.