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Chester County Press

Support for the Affordable Care Act

08/27/2013 07:51PM ● By Acl

Letter to the Editor:

What is Rep. Pitts doing to fix the supposed Affordable Care Act's problem of security (Pitts' Aug. 6 newsletter titled "Obamacare Data Hub May be Security Risk")? If there are problems, fix them.

I support Obamacare. It will succeed in spite of the Tea Party's efforts to undermine it (and Pitts' subtle effort to do the same by putting this in a newsletter). Please respect the American democratic process. The Affordable Care Act was enacted by the Congress of the United States. It was signed by the President. It was upheld by the Supreme Court and the President won re-election. To continue to undermine its implementation is un-American. If we cannot abide by the democratic process our country will degenerate into perpetual strife. Where will it end? Second Amendment remedies? God help us!


Doris Guymon

Chadds Ford